Update on working out... I found the old family weight machine. Barbell and all. The next couple workout sessions will be interesting. XD Far less pushes tonight (I think only 40 total) but I did a ton of other arm exercises on the machine. If may not be visible, but I sure feel a difference. Can't wait till it's really visible though!
Tons of fun to listen to, even though it repeats. Always been a pretty big fan of the original, but with the WUBWUBWUB in this version, it just makes the song worth listening to a million times over. XD
Anyways, subject tonight is creativity. I think the world as a whole is losing it. Certainly there's people out there who's job is to be creative, but on the whole I feel it's a dying skill. I remember the days when siblings and I would sit and play with LEGO's, building all of the craziest and most ridiculous space ships and monsters with it. Now my younger siblings just want to sit online and play video games. Games may seem like they are creative because they are interactive, but it's just force feeding impute into ones brain that then gets spat out as a movement or effect in the game.
(Picture (c) LEGO, and http://canadaleaf7.deviantart.com/ )Like with public schools and how the teacher feeds the kid answers to the test that the kids then spit back out for a grade with no learning involved. In the same way, the kid gets the satisfaction of actually doing something in a game without the work of actually having to have the skills, abilities, or anything else besides clicking or pressing the right buttons at the right time. In addition, kids can leave games any time they are "doing badly" which leads to feeling that they can do that with anything. Kids learn they can just "walk away" from what's not working in their life. Which isn't true. While there are something things that can be walked away from (an unfinished drawing), it doesn't mean that you should walk away from everything. Think about the last time you sat down to do something that wasn't school, mandatory, or 3 minutes, and completed it all the way through. No matter how bad the end result was, you decided you wanted to finish it anyway. If it wasn't recently, maybe you should try it out sometime. =)
Tomorrow nights subject: Doodling.
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